Wednesday, May 1, 2019

IVF Got This

We finally had the chance to sit down with our doctor today. The main purpose was to discuss in detail about what IVF is, why we are still good candidates, and to decide when we should start. We came today knowing that if at all possible we would jump for the chance to start now. She pulled out a calendar and looked at us. Pointing to the months laid out, she said, "What do you think about shooting for a June IVF cycle?"

With that she handed us a perscription for birth control, the first step in the IVF process. I will begin the birth control tonight and will remain on it until our nurse tells us otherwise. We anticipate to be on them for a few weeks.

Next week we will figure out the finances, coordinate our treatment plan, and have a saline ultrasound to make sure my uterus is in good shape. The process of preparing my eggs for retrieval will begin after we end the birth control. We hope to do a 5 day fresh transfer with an embryo that is healthy, sticky, and strong while the rest will be frozen for later attempts (let's hope much later, like when we are ready to give our baby a sibling, later...)

We can't believe it's finally here. We can't believe we finally get to start!

So much of this process can go south so quickly, but we know this is where the most success is found. I feel more at peace about doing IVF than I thought that I would. I am not looking forward to the insane amount of shots or the added debt. I'm not looking forward to the fear and anxiety of the waiting game we will play not once, but twice... Once to hear how many eggs fertilize and make it to the 5 day blastocyst (where they are then transferred or frozen), then again as we wait to see if it was successful. There is a lot of difficult things we have to unpack.

But.... We could actually get our baby! We could actually hold a piece of us in our arms. It's all worth it to us and we are so excited.

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